Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shoes are terrific


Poor char has been so tired and tightly wound today...just pulling out
all the stops to turn the frown upside down.

Playing ball

This was the first run...he is taking to it like a boy to a ball :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tickle fingers

Staring longingly after Diana

At the park last night, Charlie watched her play with some fifth
graders. Di held her own with confidence and her new friends gave her
big parting hugs. I admire her social skills, and they so often lack
self-consciousness. Baby brother watches her like a puppy...

Still in dreamland

This is the picture of the morning after when you are going on nine months...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mr. Clean

Contemplating some serious splashing to come

Precious and few

Are the times that Charlie sleeps this peacefully...but of course this
was taken while he lay on his mommy.

Pure concentration

Charlie has only ever watched one program on tv - yo gabba gabba with
actor, jack black. Aside from this one show, he shows only mild
interest toward football. So different from di, who at charlie's age,
sat through the entire three hours of 'ray', the r and b pianist's
biopic. However, when jack black sings about friendship, this is
charlie's riveted expression, at full attention.

Gerber baby breakfast

Kids snuggling saturday morning

Friday, January 21, 2011


Charlie getting checked out

Fancy di

Reading to Charlie

Perhaps a too close up :)

Hi daddy

Sleeping with mama

Still funny!

Getting there...

This is so funny!

Diana at 8 months

See some similarities between sister and brother

Diana reads to "Anna"

I found her sitting quietly reading a new chapter book to her American
Girl doll.

In color