Tuesday, July 25, 2017

john waire Tweeted: A break from the heat -- windows open, my sidekick down for the count...and 4 days until we trek…

Your Highlights
john waire
A break from the heat -- windows open, my sidekick down for the count...and 4 days until we trek… instagram.com/p/BW-uZa9BJA5/
The Office
Can we say all of them? #TheOffice twitter.com/WesWatts_KA/st…
John Krasinski
Wait... have I??? That's awesome! Who do I call? Where do I go?? I need answers Tom!!!!!! twitter.com/iamtommetcalfe…
LeBron when he sees Derrick Rose reaching at his knee
World Cafe
Hear @annkpowers on WC, discussing artists included in @nprmusic's list of the 150 greatest albums made by women. npr.org/sections/world…
Lee Camp [Redacted]
UK Is Sending Its Police to Train in Israel
By @TVsLeaking
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