Saturday, August 17, 2019

Daniel Milnor Tweeted: Solid article about what it's like to have Ly...

Your Highlights
Daniel Milnor
Solid article about what it's like to have Lyme while facing the reality that the disease you have is a mystery to most.
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94 degrees in the arctic circle! People, we need representatives that PRIORITIZE clean energy, clean job creation, and climate solutions IMMEDIATELY.
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Paul Krugman
Nobody could have predicted
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Jimmy Kimmel
.@davidalangrier's historic 30th appearance and his "residence" at my comedy club in Vegas... @kimmelscomedy
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Angela Kinsey🍩
Happy Birthday @SteveCarell ! ❤️ you!
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Gordon Steen
Greenland tells Trump it is open for business but not for sale
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