Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Meyers Leonard Tweeted: I’m on a whole nother Level

Your Highlights
Meyers Leonard
I'm on a whole nother Level
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Tom Hanks
Hey! America! National Voter Registration Day is TODAY. So, register you and a friend and a family member, and a few more of each. Take part in Democracy! Turn out! Register! HANX #WhenWeAllVote #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
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Steve Martin
It's an online pledge. twitter.com/bcdreyer/statu…
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Tracy Gosson
What's the tuition there now, $60k/ year? One hell of a way to blow it twitter.com/popcornbrains/…
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ashton kutcher
For truth text me. +1 (319) 519-0576
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Rachel Maddow MSNBC
So uh... why keep the whistleblower complaint from Congress then?

They withheld it supposedly because it was about a POTUS discussion with a foreign leader.

Now, both POTUS & that leader say they're OK with the content of the conversation becoming known.

Ta-da! Problem solved. twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
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