Friday, February 22, 2019

Brian Baumgartner Tweeted: So some smart individual is proposing The...

Your Highlights
Brian Baumgartner
So some smart individual is proposing The Office become a Lego set. I've never been good with Leggos but the detail on this Blew. Me. Away. theoffice_lego…
Jim Carrey
If u can still support this repugnant oaf, while ignoring 17 investigations, 34 indictments, 7 guilty pleas, 9000 lies, child imprisonment, money laundering, racism, misogyny, infidelity, environmental rape, and high treason, you're not just misinformed... you're a Sith.
John Krasinski
...time to go back.
Richard Brody
Reminder that Chaos, Sara Fattahi's second film, plays tomorrow and Tuesday—and that the nonrelease of her first, Coma, one of the great recent documentaries (as is Chaos), makes a mockery of the concept of release. @MoMAFilm
Nate DiMeo
Just adopted this knucklehead.
Anytime someone tries to "bro" me I'm all like "don't bro me bro". I'll bro you but you don't bro me. Got it, "broooo"? #bro
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