Monday, February 4, 2019

RainnWilson Tweeted: Was rewatching “The LEGO Movie” with my son & w...

Your Highlights
Was rewatching "The LEGO Movie" with my son & wondered why no one has written about the odd politics & philosophy of a movie that skewers empty materialism & conformity & all-the-while promotes products & sales for a multi-billion dollar toy company.
Jenn Tai
In the Mood for Love inspired styled shoot Seattle elopement,
Jenn Tai
A Spring Elopement with Cherry Blossoms in Seattle. Modeled by Shayna Edwards and Michael Landon wit
Seth Meyers
Tonight's CLOSER LOOK involves jokes about moonwalking
Ed Helms
Ever wonder what it's like to take a giant bite out of my arm? The brilliant and hilarious Jessica Williams breaks it down for you... along with lots of other juicy details about our new #Sundance movie #CorporateAnimals - ENJOY!
Ellen DeGeneres
This dog is adorable. How did he make that mess without getting anything on that bear?!
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