Tuesday, April 3, 2018

RainnWilson Tweeted: Globalists Vs Nativists and the collapse of the...

Your Highlights
Globalists Vs Nativists and the collapse of the 2 party system:
Daniel Milnor
Gotta hand it to him, he's consistent.
Robert Reich
There is no depth to which this man will not go in pursuit of personal vindictiveness and power. November 6 must be a total repudiation of him and his enablers, by retaking Congress. Please vote – and mobilize everyone else to do so, too. twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…
Jenna Fischer
OMG!! This is amazing!!! Go Blues! Beat the Blackhawks! #wildcard twitter.com/StLouisBlues/s…
Catherine Abegg
you know you're a very dedicated bridesmaid when your hair matches the whole wedding so damn… instagram.com/p/BhF5EzBhfac/
Joel McHale
I talk a lot twitter.com/adamraycomedy/…
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