Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ed Helms Tweeted: So disturbing and enraging. Now just waiting for ...

Your Highlights
Ed Helms
So disturbing and enraging. Now just waiting for Trump to weigh in with this old chestnut: "Some very fine people on both sides!"
Neil Patrick Harris
Chef Andrés is an extraordinary helping machine! It's simply amazing what he accomplishes. Follow him and be overwhelmed by his passion and compassion..!…
Seth MacFarlane
You were stellar, John!…
The only silver lining to watching the full video of that maga-hat-wearing-fucktwat is how that kid slowly but surely shrinks and shifts as his balls regress and his shiteating grin slowly turns to a grimace in the presence of a far greater man.
Daniel Milnor
Time for @NFL to get the great spin machine working. Crazy to think an entire year blown by missed call.
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